Microsoft Designer!!

Welcome back to another blog, this time its not about Powershell. Its about Microsoft Designer. Why am talking about this?

Thanks Microsoft for allowing the preview of Microsoft Designer.

In my point of view this is great tool for content creation who ever wants to start content creating but struggling to create images or graphics content or already started, this tool could help both.

There is a limited set of users who are given access to Microsoft Designer from a join list. my request was approved and given Preview access to the tool. which is incredible.

Microsoft is heavily focusing on AI integrating with most of the there exisitng products and services like ChatGPT with bing, Azure AI Platform and AI based design tool much more to come.

Enought of my chatter lets me show what Microsoft Desinger is.

Microsoft Designer

In the Above image you can see how straight forward is the Microsoft Designer is all you have to do let the designer know what time of image or graphics content are you looking for.. to put things into prespective i will show you some capabilities of this tool below or in other words messing with the tool to see what it can do.

Result from Microsoft Designer

Just like that the Image is ready on the side panel, let do another one to see how deep can it go.

Lets actually create a Poster

I am going to create a poster using the Microsoft Designer. Lets do it…

have asked the Designer Copilot to generate a empty road with motivational qoute its given the me lots of templates i have chosen the once marked on the image above. lets edit it to the way i need it.

This a quick result of what i did in less than a minute. when it comes to productivity this tool is going to help a lot of people who are trying to get into content writing, infographs, posters and lots more, the tool also show recommendation let me show another one which is comletly made using the content i have passed on to this image.

I Mean look at this image above simple and to the point on what i need to express. I am barely scratching the surface here on this tool. will try to create something sooner using full functionality of this tool.

From a desingers prespective this tool would help millions.

Until Next time see ya….

Published by iamfazul

Author of the site

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