Terminate Citrix Session/s via PowerShell

Hello! Once again another PowerShell Code for you to automate quite common task which is done daily on a support engineer perspective. I use this script pretty much everyday at some point its much easier when you do it via PowerShell, the reason i say this you will have to login to the Citrix CloudContinue reading “Terminate Citrix Session/s via PowerShell”

Retrieve Current Admin in Citrix Cloud

Hello and welcome again, its been a while since I wrote a blog post. Obviously been busy with other stuff, Enough of my stuffs lets get into the title. let’s start with a small and nice script, One of my colleague asked me to let him know how many Admin users are there in theContinue reading “Retrieve Current Admin in Citrix Cloud”

Manage Citrix Cloud via PowerShell

Welcome to another blog on Citrix and PowerShell. Today we will see how to manage Citrix Cloud via PowerShell. Before getting started please refer to the previous blog if you need to know how to setup the Citrix PowerShell. Simply Click here (Getting Started with Citrix Cloud via PowerShell). Let see how to do few thingsContinue reading “Manage Citrix Cloud via PowerShell”

Getting Started with Citrix Cloud via Powershell

Hello, Welcome to another blog of mine, Today will look at how to manage Citrix via PowerShell. You can do some extraordinary tasks via PowerShell paired with Citrix Cloud. Prerequisites: Citrix PowerShell SDK Install the SDK for the relevant version of Citrix XenDesktop environment. Once the installation done we can now start writing our commandsContinue reading “Getting Started with Citrix Cloud via Powershell”