Remove AD group from Leaver

Leavers! The most ignored process by Support staff the script below will do the following:Remove AD groups if the user. One of the reason this script helped me when users are added to an AD group which allocates Office 365 License. When the user leaves the organization if the ad group that allocates the licenseContinue reading “Remove AD group from Leaver”

Update SQL table via Powershell

IF you have not read the Connecting to SQL blog. I would recommand to read it first before start this. Updating SQL tables using Powershell was quite fun doesn’t have to log into a SQL management server or any application its just you and Powershell like happy couple 😛 the below script will allow youContinue reading “Update SQL table via Powershell”

Connect to a SQL Database via Powershell

Th real work starts when you decided to work with Data from a different source mostly with SQL DBs I was recently involved in to the subject matter for a project, figured out that everyday is a school day that i learned about how much stuff Powershell can do when it comes in contact withContinue reading “Connect to a SQL Database via Powershell”