Terminate Citrix Session/s via PowerShell

Hello! Once again another PowerShell Code for you to automate quite common task which is done daily on a support engineer perspective. I use this script pretty much everyday at some point its much easier when you do it via PowerShell, the reason i say this you will have to login to the Citrix CloudContinue reading “Terminate Citrix Session/s via PowerShell”

Remove AD group from Leaver

Leavers! The most ignored process by Support staff the script below will do the following:Remove AD groups if the user. One of the reason this script helped me when users are added to an AD group which allocates Office 365 License. When the user leaves the organization if the ad group that allocates the licenseContinue reading “Remove AD group from Leaver”

Local Machine Profile and Registry Remove

HAHA.. this one seems to very interesting to me. One of the engineer asked me write this for him, he has to remove unwanted profiles from servers again talking about 500+ servers I wrote the below script giving him the ability to put in account that needs to be left alone and anything else canContinue reading “Local Machine Profile and Registry Remove”