Compare 2 Files for Difference

Hi All, welcome back to another Blog. I was approached by an subscriber today who is a beginer to Powershell made an awesome script which user compare-object function to compare to files. which was great start in powershell. Like i say to get to know something you need to get started. Applause to him. TheContinue reading “Compare 2 Files for Difference”

Manage Citrix Cloud via PowerShell

Welcome to another blog on Citrix and PowerShell. Today we will see how to manage Citrix Cloud via PowerShell. Before getting started please refer to the previous blog if you need to know how to setup the Citrix PowerShell. Simply Click here (Getting Started with Citrix Cloud via PowerShell). Let see how to do few thingsContinue reading “Manage Citrix Cloud via PowerShell”

Getting Started with Citrix Cloud via Powershell

Hello, Welcome to another blog of mine, Today will look at how to manage Citrix via PowerShell. You can do some extraordinary tasks via PowerShell paired with Citrix Cloud. Prerequisites: Citrix PowerShell SDK Install the SDK for the relevant version of Citrix XenDesktop environment. Once the installation done we can now start writing our commandsContinue reading “Getting Started with Citrix Cloud via Powershell”

Find any Module via Powershell

Welcome Back to another blog of mine. I was training few of my colleagues on Powershell and one of them asked me following question. How do you find module if its not already in Powershell??? I said: You can find anything you want if you search correctly. They said: That’s not very helpful is it,Continue reading “Find any Module via Powershell”

Manage Azure AD using PowerShell

Welcome to another blog of mine, Managing Azure AD using PowerShell One could ask why go through all the pain of scripting stuffs in PowerShell when there is a pretty nice Portal Console like this below. I would agree with the most of them saying portal is enough but PowerShell comes in handy when itContinue reading “Manage Azure AD using PowerShell”

Object Oriented Programming Classes and Objects In PowerShell

Of-course Powershell is OOP(Object oriented programming Tool). Which means any developer who know Object oriented Programming would know how to utilize it, that doesn’t mean who are not developers cannot learn Powershell. it’s bit annoying to understand the concepts of the OOP to take maximum use of it. Classes aka Blueprints Talking of concept ofContinue reading “Object Oriented Programming Classes and Objects In PowerShell”